Though we may take great efforts to keep our mouths as clean as possible by brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash, the human mouth is still a place where a lot … read more
Archives for April 2019
Fixing a ‘gummy smile’ at the dentist’s
No one wants to be self-conscious when smiling. But plenty of folks are. For some, it’s about the color or contour of their teeth. For others, it’s about their … read more
How to Prevent Gum Recession
With so much focus on perfectly white and straight teeth, sometimes gums tend to get overlooked. Without healthy gums, there would be no teeth! Not only do they hold your … read more
My teeth are turning gray! What’s happening?
There are several reasons for the discoloration of teeth, including a gray discoloration. Here’s a list of causes and what—if anything—you can do about it. Genes Dentinogenesis imperfecta is the … read more