With all the negative health effects of smoking, it’s very important that smokers use whatever means are necessary to kick the habit. This may include nicotine patches or nicotine gum. … read more

Northeast Philadelphia Dentist
Northeast Philadelphia Dentist
1304 Cottman Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19111
(215) 745-5100
With all the negative health effects of smoking, it’s very important that smokers use whatever means are necessary to kick the habit. This may include nicotine patches or nicotine gum. … read more
Can postmenopausal estrogen treatments for osteoporosis also help prevent periodontitis in older women? A recent study seems to suggest that it can. Researchers examined women in Brazil who had gone … read more
As many as 5 to 10 million Americans contract pneumonia every year, with more than a million of them requiring hospitalization. This startling statistic makes pneumonia the third greatest cause … read more
We all know that the human body goes through various physical changes as one ages. Typically, when we think about getting older, loss of hearing and problems with vision come … read more
Imagine this: you’ve just settled in for a quiet Friday night of relaxation after a challenging work week. You bite down a little too hard on that piece of candy, … read more
If you have teenagers, or have spent any time around teenagers, you’ll know how popular piercings have become. And it isn’t just the usual ear piercings. You’ll likely see nose, … read more
Electronic cigarettes (or e-cigs) have been available in the U.S. since 2008, but in recent years they’ve become all the rage. Vaping, as it’s called in the e-cig community, is … read more
Can the condition of your mouth reveal critical information about your overall physical health? It has been suggested by dental health professionals that your oral health is a window into … read more
Do you ever forget to brush your teeth? With our busy schedules, it happens to all of us occasionally. But what if you didn’t brush your teeth for 20 years? … read more
Keeping your teeth and gums healthy and free from bacteria does much more than just give you a beautiful smile and strong choppers. If you’ve been reading this blog regularly, … read more
1304 Cottman Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19111
(215) 745-5100
Monday - Friday
Saturday & Sunday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm