Any parent can tell you that dealing with a teething child can be anxiety-inducing. As baby teeth start to push through the soft gums, a young child will experience various levels of pain. Though the pain should stop as soon as the tooth breaks the surface of the gums, the process of baby teeth coming in is undoubtedly uncomfortable. So, how can you soothe a child’s teething pain?
The first step is to know when your child has started teething so that you can take appropriate action. When a child begins to teeth, he or she will start chewing on things more than usual, have swollen gums, hot or flushed cheeks, experience an increase in saliva and usually display more signs of irritability.
To help your baby deal with the pain of teeth coming in, you can try the following methods:
1. Give your child extra attention and love so that he or she feels safe and nurtured during this painful time.
2. Provide a chilled teething ring or teething toy to cool and soothe the gums.
3. Gently rub the gums with a clean, soft and wet washcloth to promote healthy gums and assist the teeth in breaking the surface of the gum line.
4. If your child is not responding well to any of these remedies, consult your dentist or pediatrician to see if there are any medications or gels approved for use with infants experiencing teething issues.
Have more questions about teething? Contact the professionals at DentaLux today, or leave a comment below!
Photo credit: Cherub eating plastic via photopin (license)
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