A canker sore is a small, shallow lesions that develop on the soft tissues in your mouth or at the base of your gums. According to the Mayo Clinic, the exact cause … read more

Northeast Philadelphia Dentist
Northeast Philadelphia Dentist
1304 Cottman Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19111
(215) 745-5100
A canker sore is a small, shallow lesions that develop on the soft tissues in your mouth or at the base of your gums. According to the Mayo Clinic, the exact cause … read more
The leading cause of tooth loss in older adults in the United States is periodontal disease, also known as gum disease. About 80% of adults will have gum disease during … read more
Sensitive teeth are a problem that many people deal with. Pain when experiencing hot and cold foods or beverages, aching in the teeth and gums and discomfort while doing ordinary … read more
Are you in the market for a new toothbrush? Check out these new toothbrush options below – one might be the right fit for your mouth! Oral-B Professional Healthy Clean + … read more
While you may be taking vitamins to benefit other areas of your body, many vitamins and nutrients can directly benefit your oral health as well. Below are the top vitamins … read more
Dry socket is one of the most common complications patients can experience after a tooth pulled or extracted. The socket of the tooth, or the hole in the bone where … read more
Question: Hot and cold foods often make my teeth hurt. Why are my teeth sensitive? Sensitive teeth are a common dental common for many adults. If you notice that hot … read more
While you hopefully won’t have to deal with a chipped or broken tooth often, its best to be prepared and know what to do should this common dental injury take … read more
Getting kids to brush their teeth isn’t the easiest task in the world. Often times, they begrudgingly oblige in order to appease you, the parents, but this isn’t the best … read more
Question: Some of my teeth have larger spaces than others in between them. I notice this when I floss and have more food particles in between some teeth and not … read more
1304 Cottman Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19111
(215) 745-5100
Monday - Friday
Saturday & Sunday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm