Dentists don’t usually recommend DIY dentistry for a variety of reasons, but there are a few dental issues that you can fix yourself without a visit to the dentist! Learn more below:
1. Sensitive Teeth
Before heading to the dentist, try to reduce the sensitivity of your teeth on your own by cutting back on any whitening products you are currently using (whitening strips, harsh whitening toothpaste, etc). These whitening products are usually pretty abrasive and can weaken the strength of your teeth, making the roots more sensitive. Also remember not to brush too hard, which can damage tooth enamel and gums. If the sensitivity persists or becomes worse, then it may be time to visit the dentist.
2. Jaw Soreness
You have an aching pain in your jaw that just won’t go away – what can you do about it without visiting a specialist? Jaw soreness is sometimes caused by temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD. You could also be grinding your teeth (even at night when you aren’t aware of it!), which can lead to pain in the jaw, headaches and more. Throughout the day, try exercising your jaw by moving it around gently. If you find yourself in a tense state with jaw locked, loosen up and take a few deep breaths to release that tension. At night, wear a mouthguard to prevent teeth grinding. Still having pain? Talk to your dentist about other possible solutions.
3. Burned Palate
That piece of pizza was just too tempting not to bite into right away, but now you have a horribly burned palate! What to do? The newly burned, soft tissues on the top of your mouth are at risk for infection, so it’s important to take action on even this relatively common issue. Use a corticosteroid gel or paste to create a protective layer on the top of your mouth to prevent infection and pain.
Have questions about common dental issues? Contact the professionals at DentaLux today, or leave a comment below!
photo credit: Extraction – Day 182 via photopin (license)
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