The fact is, kids usually aren’t great at brushing their teeth despite the best efforts of parents and dental professionals alike. This isn’t anyone’s fault: it’s an awkward, uncomfortable motion … read more

Northeast Philadelphia Dentist
Northeast Philadelphia Dentist
1304 Cottman Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19111
(215) 745-5100
The fact is, kids usually aren’t great at brushing their teeth despite the best efforts of parents and dental professionals alike. This isn’t anyone’s fault: it’s an awkward, uncomfortable motion … read more
It may seem surprising, but it’s actually quite rare to have perfectly straight and aligned teeth. Most people have some kind of malocclusion, or an imperfect positioning of the teeth, … read more
Cleft lips and palates are among the most common oral and facial malfunction that can occur pregnancy, typically during the 2nd or 3rd months of development. So, how does it … read more
Braces are almost like childhood right of passage. Unfortunately, they often come at the worst possible time: middle school. Kids at this age are already very self-conscious about their appearance, … read more
It may be surprising, but as many as 90% of children under the age of 4 regularly suck their thumb — chances are, you did it as a child, too! … read more
“Baby Bottle Tooth Decay” is a scary name for what is usually a relatively simple condition: cavities in baby teeth. The reason for the dramatic moniker? Most baby cavities occur … read more
Long before that first teeny-weeny tooth appears, it’s important to take care of your baby’s mouth and gums. Doing so isn’t hard, but it does take a delicate touch. After … read more
The brushing battle often starts at a young age. You know it’s important that your child takes care of his or her teeth, but they couldn’t care less about oral … read more
Getting kids to brush their teeth isn’t the easiest task in the world. Often times, they begrudgingly oblige in order to appease you, the parents, but this isn’t the best … read more
Question: My toddler is ready to start brushing his teeth on his own. How much toothpaste should he use? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children under two should … read more
1304 Cottman Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19111
(215) 745-5100
Monday - Friday
Saturday & Sunday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm